Common Risk Exposures at Your Construction SiteThe construction business can be profitable and successful, but never forget the risk exposures are plentiful. While the right commercial insurance protection is critical, you can do some things to reduce your risks of loss while protecting your employees, property and assets. Read on to find out some common loss control tips for construction companies like yours.

Below Are Some Typical Forms of Loss Control to Implement

Employee Safety- It is vital you keep your employees safe despite the unbelievable risks your construction sites can pose to them. It is inherent to instill the proper safety measures for employment training to prevent loss. All employees should be trained to prioritize the risks and educate them on how to operate all pieces of equipment and how to use the proper PPE (personal protection equipment). Below are some typical employee training that should be implemented:

  • New employee orientation
  • First aid/CPR training
  • Procedures for handling personal injuries
  • Situational response procedures for on-site accidents
  • Appropriate accident reportage measures

While training is important, it is key to allow an open communication environment so that employees can communicate with management and vice versa as to minimize risks and optimize a safe work environment.

Fire Safety Procedures

Fire control measures are essential in areas where there is electrical or gas work being done. Taking precautionary measures can help to prevent the risks of potential tragedies surrounding the construction site. Some examples include:

  • Utilize fire extinguishers
  • Execute fire/smoke alarms
  • Designate allocated areas for smokers
  • Train employees on adequate disposal of soiled rags as to reduce risk of fire

Site Control Protocols

Construction sites need to be regulated to reinforce safety precautions. These sites should have protocols set in place and enforced to regulate who can enter and exit the site to prevent unauthorized people from entering and getting injured due to hazardous situations and deter from theft and/or vandalism. Site control may consist of the following:

  • Post adequate warning signs around the danger zones.
  • Safeguard the border of construction sites to prevent unauthorized entry with cautionary tape, fencing, gates, and temporary walls to identify unique hazards.
  • Identify anyone entering designated areas with personnel or electronic procedures.
  • Designate areas with the necessary clearance which only allows authorized, trained people to enter.
  • Post necessary access locations to allow emergency vehicles and responders to enter should a medical or fire scenario occur.
  • Monitor the property with security cameras and personnel.

Executing site control on your construction spot can help to mitigate the unique risks while ensuring safety for those on site as well as the project site itself.

Execute Loss Control Tips to Minimize Your Risk Today

Burkett and Associates understands that your construction company is unique along with the risks associated with your business. Executing necessary measures to minimize risks at your construction site is critical and while it won’t mean that a loss can’t happen, it certainly can minimize the likelihood of it happening. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your Alabama commercial business insurance, contact us at 256-704-7400.  Don’t wait!  Call us today.