If you own or operate a vehicle, it is mandated that you must carry auto liability insurance protection for that car. What you may NOT know is that car insurance has many facets when you delve into how much is enough, what is mandatory and what is optional, along with other options you may not have considered. Until you are faced with an accident/incident, you may not be aware of some typical car insurance gaps that could leave you in the hole
Life comes with many surprises and you need to be prepared for when they happen. When it comes to your car, you may end up on the side of the road with a tire blowout or a mechanical breakdown at a most inopportune time or perhaps your car is totaled due to an accident and you owe more than the insurer claim payout. Regardless of the situation it is essential to explore auto coverage options that you may not have considered and that’s where your local Alabama independent insurance agent can assist. Will your current Alabama car insurance provide adequate protection for those unexpected situations or will you find yourself in the hole?
Some Common Car Insurance Gaps to Consider, but Not Limited to:
Don’t wait until you have been involved in a scenario only to find out your Alabama auto insurance coverage was inadequate. Take a look at some of the more common car insurance coverage gaps and then discuss with your Alabama independent insurance agent to advise. You may be surprised how affordable they are!
Customized Parts and Equipment- After purchasing your vehicle, you may decide to invest in certain upgrades such as a custom grille, chrome or paint only to later find out that coverage for those customizations are excluded under your typical Alabama auto insurance policy. If you have done any type of aesthetic or technological upgrades on your vehicle, it is recommended you contact your Alabama independent insurance agent so that the proper/needed endorsement can be added, and you will be fairly compensated should a covered loss occur.
Total Loss- First of all, having your car totaled is stressful enough, but what if you totaled your car AND then find out the claim payment is $10,000 less than you owe on the car? This happens all the time so beware.
Assume you invest in a brand-new car and a week later are involved in a catastrophic car accident that renders your car a total loss. With depreciation being approximately 20% during the first year of purchasing the vehicle, you can imagine you may be setting yourself up for some significant out of pocket expenses if you are involved in an accident where your car is totaled. You need to know that your auto insurer is only obligated to pay for the ACV (actual cash value) of your vehicle less any applicable deductibles and is not responsible for paying off your car. It is wise that you discuss this with your local Alabama independent insurance agent to discuss ways in which you can be adequately compensated for your vehicle.
Roadside Assistance- Whether you have a flat tire or dead battery, need a replacement key, or towing, roadside assistance insurance can be added to your auto insurance policy for a nominal fee. Nobody likes to be stranded on the side of the road so assurance that you will have quick, prompt service should something like that happen, is priceless. This type of add-on protection allows you to get back on the road safely and quickly.
Don’t Wait Until After the Accident to Find Out About Coverage Gaps
Taking necessary action on the forefront can end up saving you money in the long run. Hearing that your coverage was inadequate or denied may end up costing you a lot of money out of pocket. Give us a call at Burkett & Associates Insurance Agency at 256-704-7400 to discuss any and all coverage add-ons that you may not have considered, but NEED. We are here to assist you every step of the way with all of your Alabama auto insurance needs and can provide valued information and quotes on any add-on coverage(s) you may need.