How Auto Accident Damages Are Typically Estimated After an AccidentIf you own and operate a vehicle, chances are you will be involved in an auto accident at some point. No matter how careful you are, sometimes the unexpected happens and when it does, you must know how to proceed. Knowing what to do before an accident occurs and how auto accident damages are typically estimated after an accident, will help you prepare for those type of unfortunate scenarios that can occur.

Imagine you are getting off of work, tired and preoccupied, when you fail to see the stop sign at an intersection. As a result, you crash directly into the passenger side of the other vehicle, creating significant damages to both vehicles. Do you know what to do next?

Below Are Some Guidelines to Follow After Being Involved in a Car Accident:

  • Make sure everyone is alright (first and foremost) and then assess the damages and immediately take photos of damages to your car and any other property damaged.
  • Document any personal property in your vehicle that has been damaged due to the auto accident.
  • Report the accident to the police and give your side of the story but do not admit fault.
  • Contact your local Alabama independent insurance agent to inform them of the accident and ask for further direction.
  • If advised, report the accident to your insurance company for a claim notification.
  • Get 2 estimates to repair your vehicle.
  • Assist the Alabama insurance adjuster with the investigation, as requested. 

Tying Down the Auto Damages Can Be “Labor” Intensive 

Unless you are a car expert or work as a mechanic, you may not completely understand what is customary on a typical car estimate for damages sustained in a car wreck. The average person on the street may only look at the cosmetic damages and think it shouldn’t cost much to repair; however, there are many aspects of repairing vehicles that get overlooked.

A typical estimate includes specified damaged body parts of the car along with the cost to purchase these replacement parts (or the cost to repair the damaged body parts), but what is often discounted is the labor that goes behind this process. In order to repair/replace something, there may be elaborate methods the mechanic has to undergo to get to specific parts of the car which may require many hours of labor. With labor costs as high as $50/hour, it quickly adds up. Also, there are paint costs and labor for any required painting.

Supplemental Damages

After repairs have been completed or during the repair process, sometimes hidden damages present themselves and are covered as long as they are indeed accident related. Knowing this type of information about estimates for car repairs can help reduce any shock value the next time you are involved in an auto accident and get the repair estimates.

If you experience a car accident and have any questions pertaining to the estimated damages to your car or how to proceed after the accident, feel free to contact us at Burkett & Associates Insurance Agency and we will be glad to assist you in every way possible.