With scorching temperatures this summer, cooling off in a swimming pool is a dream. For those homeowners owning and maintaining a pool, floating around carefree is wonderful, but comes with responsibilities. Before you open the gates to the pool at your home, you need to take consideration of pool and drain safety guidelines.

Pool Safety is Top Priority 

Owning a pool comes with its share of perks, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children ranging in ages from 1-4 are at the greatest risk of drowning.  The main issue here is that children this age can go out to the pool when nobody is watching and falling into the pool undetected. Keep in mind though, that pool safety doesn’t just apply to little ones, but those of all ages.

Drowning isn’t the only risk that applies to your pool, but accidents/injuries resulting from slip and falls is something to consider too.  Below are some safety tips to follow to protect you as a homeowner:

Never leave children or inexperienced swimmers unattended around a pool– It only takes a second for someone to fall in undetected so a responsible adult should be monitoring the pool/swimmers at all times.

Install a back door alarm- This is a precautionary measure to alert you should anyone slip out the back door.

Install a motion-activated alarm- This alarm will alert you when anyone releases the gate and enters the pool when you are inside.

Install a fence around the pool that can be locked.

Utilize pool safety equipment– Make sure you utilize safety ropes and life rings to keep people safe.

Monitor/Limit alcohol use around the pool- Alcohol has been shown to be a contributing factor of drowning deaths for adults as well as teenagers due to the effects of poor judgement, and lack of coordination.

Make sure inexperienced swimmers wear a life vest.

Ensure all household members are certified in CPR and First Aid.

Refrain from having glass items around the deck/pool- On hot summer days, people will be hydrating; however, make sure there are no glass bottles or drinking cups around.  Broken glass around the pool is hazardous as those around can step on the broken glass fragments resulting in injury.

Safety Tips for Pool Drains

Many people don’t think much about pool drains and the issues that can result in cause death and/or injuries, but they should.  Pool drains can catch a swimmer’s hair, clothing, jewelry, or limbs resulting in what could be deadly. Below are some key tips to keep you and your guests safe:

  • Utilize proper safety equipment in the event a safety issue arises.
  • Install a drain cover.
  • Invest in a Safety Vacuum Release System that will automatically shut off the pool’s pump if something is blocking the drain.
  • Educate all household members how to turn off the pump to your pool.
  • Always monitor the pool when in use so that if something does get entangled, you can react immediately.

*Remember, if a person does become trapped in a pool drain, never attempt to pull on the person trapped.  Instead, immediately turn off the pump and insert your fingers between the person and the drain to break the seal.

Contact Burkett & Associates Today!

Having the right type of insurance is essential when you own a pool.  We can assist you with your Alabama homeowners insurance needs to ensure you are properly protected so you can enjoy the perks of owning a pool.  Don’t wait!  Call us today at 256-704-7400.